Notice To Vacate

for rental property owners

Please download the form below and email it to us at or please complete and submit on-line

MM slash DD slash YYYY
I (Tenant name/s):
Additional Name
Tenants Of: Address

1. In accordance with the Residential Tenanacies Act (1997), I/We hereby give twenty eight (28) days' notice to vacate the above premises.

2. I understand that I am liable for 28 days rent from the date at which you receive this notive even if I have physically vacated the property prior to that date

3. I/We intend ton moving out of the property on the

MM slash DD slash YYYY
My/Our Forwarding Address is

I/we give consent to the landlord, or his/her agent to have the property shown to prospective tenants prior to I/we vacating the property.

In accordance with the Residential Tenancies Act 1997, I/We acknowledge that rent must be paid up to the date of vacating and my/our responsi paid up to the date of vacating and my/our responsibility under the Act , which states; A tenant under the Act, which states; A tenant under a tenancy agreement shall not refuse to pay rent on the grounds that he/she intends to regard as rent by him/her the bond or any part of the bond paid by him/her in respect of the bond paid by him/her in respect of the premises. Your bond is held with the RTBA and therefore it is mandatory to complete a bond claim for the bond to be returned.